Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

October 14, 2024 | Chris Castillo
Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcycle accidents are a significant concern on the roads, and their consequences can be devastating. With a higher fatality risk than other vehicles, motorcyclists face unique dangers.

Fatalities resulting from motorcycle collisions are common. If you’ve lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, do not hesitate to seek legal help from an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. A lawyer can protect your rights, represent your best interests, and pursue the justice and compensation you deserve.

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Motorcycle Accident Fatalities: What the Numbers Tell Us

Like other types of vehicular collisions, motorcycle accidents are closely monitored by state and federal authorities. Because of this, much information is available to better understand motorcycle collisions, including how frequently they occur, why they happen, and what results from these types of accidents.

The following are some of the most significant fatal motorcycle accident statistics:

  • In a recent year, there were over 6,000 deaths: 2022 represented a record high for motorcycle accident fatalities with 6,218 deaths. This is the highest number of motorcycle-related deaths since 1975. 
  • Most fatal motorcycle collisions happen in good weather: It’s a common misconception that more motorcycle accident fatalities occur during inclement weather. 94 percent of motorcycle crash fatalities in a recent year happened in good weather. 
  • A majority of motorcycle crash victims wore helmets: Helmets are meant to protect riders, but they do not always protect against severe injury and death. Recently, data shows that 60 percent of motorcyclists killed in collisions were helmeted. 
  • More fatal motorcycle accidents happen from the front: In a recent year, data shows 76 percent of motorcycles involved in fatal collisions were hit from the front—only 7 percent of fatal collisions involved impact from the rear. 
  • More male than female motorcyclists are killed in accidents: 96 percent of motorcycle drivers involved in fatal collisions are men.
  • Older individuals are more likely to die in motorcycle crashes: Statistics show that riders aged 50 or older are more frequently victims of fatal collisions than younger riders. 
  • More motorcycle accident fatalities happen in the summer: Recent data indicates that more motorcycle crash fatalities occur from May through September, and fewer happen in December and January. This is likely due to the warmer weather in the summer and the colder, more brutal weather in the winter.

Unfortunately, when studying the data of fatal motorcycle accident statistics, it’s clear there is no end in sight for these tragedies. While many accidents are preventable, they are likely to keep occurring, claiming lives and leaving behind much devastation.

Why are Motorcycle Crash Fatalities So Common?

A crashed motorcycle lying on the road after an accident, with visible damage to the vehicle.

Motorcycle accident fatalities are far more common than they should be. A lack of safety plays a major role in the frequency of these tragedies.

Crashes involving motorcycles and other vehicular collisions, like car and truck accidents, are unavoidable. Still, many of these collisions result in deaths. One of the primary reasons fatalities for motorcyclists are so common is the lack of protection. Unlike other vehicles, which provide safety features like airbags and seatbelts, motorcycles offer riders no protection. Therefore, motorcyclists are more at risk and more regularly pass away following crashes.

Additionally, not all states require helmets for motorcyclists. For example, Illinois and Iowa do not have any helmet laws at all. States like Florida and South Carolina only require helmets for riders 20 and younger. Therefore, when riders are not legally required to wear helmets, they are more at risk for severe injuries and death.

Typical Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

A variety of factors can contribute to motorcycle collisions. Some of the causes of motorcycle collisions that often result in fatalities include the following.

Driver Negligence

Driver negligence is one of the top causes of motorcycle collisions. Every driver on the road has a duty to drive safely to keep themselves and others on the road free from danger. However, drivers regularly engage in dangerous driving behaviors that increase the chances of causing collisions with motorcycles, including:

  • Speeding: Speeding is a significant problem on roads. When a driver speeds, they are more likely to lose control of their vehicle, increase their stopping time and distance, and the crash’s impact is often more catastrophic. 
  • Distracted driving: A driving distraction is anything that takes a driver’s eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel, or mind off the task of driving. When drivers are distracted, they’re less likely to notice their surroundings and see motorcyclists.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence is illegal in all states, as it severely impairs a driver’s ability to drive responsibly. Alcohol and drugs impact a driver’s judgment, vision, and decision-making.
  • Unsafe turns and lane changes: Making a turn or changing lanes requires careful attention and looking at blind spots. When drivers turn or switch lanes without watching for oncoming traffic and other vehicles, they increase their chances of causing collisions.

Negligent drivers who cause motorcycle crash fatalities can be held liable for their wrongdoing.

Inclement Weather

While many motorcycle crash fatalities occur during good weather, poor weather can be a contributing factor.

While rain, fog, and snow can make roads more dangerous, the big issue with inclement weather is driver behavior. Drivers should always adapt their driving to the conditions, and when they don’t, they put others on the road in danger and increase their chances of causing devastating collisions.

Road Hazards

Road conditions can play an important role in motorcycle accident deaths. Unlike other vehicles, motorcycles require balance, as they usually sit on two tires. Common road hazards include:

  • Potholes
  • Debris and obstacles
  • Uneven roads
  • Poorly marked roads
  • Lack of proper lights and signage
  • Inadequate lighting

Road hazards can make it difficult for riders to maintain motorcycle control and can substantially contribute to collisions and deaths.

Defects and Malfunctions

Sometimes, problems with the motorcycle itself can cause accidents. These issues include brake failure, tire blowouts, and steering mechanism defects. A defect or malfunction can result in a loss of control, causing the motorcyclist to crash into other vehicles or get run off the road.

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Motorcycle Accident Injuries that Often Result in Fatalities

Motorcycle accidents often result in fatalities, but when victims pass away depends on the circumstances. In some cases, the collision is severe enough to kill a motorcyclist on the spot, while in other situations, victims eventually succumb to their injuries.

Injuries from motorcycle collisions can be particularly serious. Some of the injuries that most often result in fatalities include:

  • Head injuries: Severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can result from direct impact or violent shaking of the brain inside the skull. Even with a helmet, TBIs can be fatal. Skull fractures can also be life-threatening, especially if they lead to a brain injury or intracranial hemorrhage.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Damage to the spinal cord can lead to paralysis or loss of function below the injury side. Severe spinal cord injuries can be fatal, especially if they affect respiratory functions.
  • Internal injuries: Impact or trauma can cause internal bleeding or rupture of organs such as the spleen, liver, or kidneys. Extensive internal bleeding can be fatal if not quickly addressed.
  • Fractures and amputations: Severe fractures or the loss of limbs can result in significant bleeding or complications that can be fatal if not managed properly.

Motorcycle crash injuries can be costly to treat, and a victim may require extensive treatment before their passing. Pursuing compensation following a fatal motorcycle accident can help provide financial coverage for medical bills to relieve unnecessary pressure a victim’s loved ones might experience.

Who is to Blame for a Motorcycle Crash Fatality?

To determine liability for a motorcycle accident fatality, it’s important to investigate the cause of the collision. Simply put, the party responsible for the crash and subsequent death is liable.

Parties that can be responsible for a motorcycle collision death include:

  • Drivers
  • Drivers’ employers
  • Maintenance and repair companies
  • Governmental entities
  • Product designers and manufacturers

A wrongful death lawyer can thoroughly review the details of the collision and collect evidence to determine the cause of the crash. This information allows them to pinpoint liability and hold the responsible party accountable for wrongdoing. In some cases, multiple parties can share fault for a motorcycle crash fatality.

If a loved one has passed away as a result of a motorcycle crash, you may have a valid claim for wrongful death.

Wrongful death refers to a legal claim that arises when someone dies as a result of another party’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct. In a wrongful death lawsuit, the victim’s family or dependents can seek compensation for losses resulting from the untimely death.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding the collision, you can have a claim against the at-fault party’s insurer. However, in many cases, losing a loved one involves filing a wrongful death lawsuit.

Handling a wrongful death claim, especially when you’re dealing with your loss, can be particularly challenging. Therefore, it’s best to have a wrongful death attorney handle your claim and pursue justice and financial recovery on your behalf.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

A motorcyclist signing legal documents on a clipboard, possibly related to a wrongful death claim.

To file a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s necessary to determine who is entitled to file based on state law. While the specific rules about who has the right to file can vary by jurisdiction, the following individuals or entities may be eligible:

  • Spouse: The deceased person’s husband or wife.
  • Children: Biological or legally adopted children of the victim. 
  • Parents: If the deceased was a minor or there were no surviving spouse or children, the parents may file a wrongful death claim.
  • Dependents: In some situations, parties that were financially dependent on the victim can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Some states are stricter about wrongful death claims. States like Florida and Alabama require only the personal representative to file the lawsuit. A personal representative is the party in charge of a person’s estate after their passing.

Compensation for Motorcycle Crash Fatalities

In a wrongful death lawsuit, the damages awarded are intended to compensate the victim’s family for the losses resulting from the fatality. The compensation that can be awarded varies depending on the jurisdiction and the specifics of the case, but generally include the following damages:

  • Funeral and burial costs: Reimbursement for the costs associated with the victim’s funeral, burial, and related expenses. 
  • Loss of financial support: Compensation for the income and financial support the victim would have provided their dependents. It includes lost income, benefits, and potential future earnings. 
  • Medical expenses: Compensation for medical costs incurred before the victim’s passing as a result of their accident injuries. 
  • Pain and suffering: Damages for the emotional distress and mental anguish experienced by the surviving family members as a result of the death. 
  • Loss of companionship: Compensation for the loss of the victim’s companionship, affection, and emotional support.

Additionally, some situations call for punitive damages. Unlike compensatory damages, punitive damages are not granted to compensate. Instead, they punish the defendant for their grossly negligent, reckless, or intentional wrongdoing that resulted in the victim’s death.

Understanding how much your case is worth can help ensure you get the compensation you’re owed following your unfortunate loss.

In a recent year, data showed that motorcycle riders were 4 times more likely to suffer injuries in accidents and 22 times more likely to die in collisions compared to passenger vehicle occupants. Motorcycle crash fatalities will continue to occur in the future. If you lose a loved one in a motorcycle accident, you may have legal options.

Following the death of your loved one in a motorcycle collision, consult with a local attorney. A lawyer can provide the guidance and direction you need during a challenging time and safeguard your rights to justice and financial recovery. Money cannot undo what’s been done, but it can help free you of unfair burdens and better prepare you to move on with your life. An attorney will fight tirelessly to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Don’t delay, call an experienced personal injury attorney today.

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Chris Castillo

Chris Castillo is an experienced Plaintiff’s attorney who has recovered millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of his clients from insurance companies.
He previously served with the Office of the State Attorney for the 13th Judicial Circuit here in Tampa for the better part of a decade where he handled cases a serious as murder and vehicular homicides.

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